Monday, May 16, 2016

ADF Taskflow Transactions Management and Datacontrol scope - Part 2

In previous post we discussed in detail about basics Datacontrol scopes, Transactions and Application Module using single AppModule.

Now lets take it to next level and make it a little complex.

Below picture depicts how sample Parent and Child sample taskflows  used in this post are confgured.

As you can see we have 2 iterators from 2 different Application modules in parent as well as child  taskflow.

Case 1 (Default Taskflow Settings) -

Parent Taskflow
Transaction - No Controller Transaction
Data Control Scope - SHARED

Child Taskflow
Transaction - No Controller Transaction
Data Control Scope - SHARED

This is how it will work internally-

Key Observations -
Since Datacontrol Scope is set to Shared, Both the Taskflows will share same DC Frame.

Both AppModule1 and AppModule2 will create Root Application Module which eventually means 2 Connections, 2 Separate Commit/RollBack per transaction etc.

In Parent/Child Taskflows, Commit in Employee Iterator 1  will not reflect changes in Employee Iterator 2 and vice versa until new control state is created.

A Commit/RollBack in Child Taskflow's Employee Iterator1 will update changes in Employee Iterator1  of Parent Taskflow and vice versa because they share same Transaction.

A Real Example - Notice the Transaction and AppModule

Case 2  -
Parent Taskflow
Transaction - No Controller Transaction
Data Control Scope - SHARED

Child Taskflow
Transaction - No Controller Transaction
Data Control Scope - ISOLATED

This is how it will work internally-

Key Observations -
Since Datacontrol Scope of child is set to Isolated, Both the Taskflows will have separate DC Frames.

Since DC Frames are separate each of iterators will have Transactions of its own so 
2 Taskflows * 2 AppModules = 4 Transactions, 4 Connections(Not good right?)

Commit/RollBack  in any of the iterator will not affect any other.

A Real Example

Hope this helps:) In next post we can see how  Transaction options modifies the flow.

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